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The 5 Stages of Soccer Skills Development - Stage I Tips for Beginning Soccer Players

Updated: Apr 19, 2022

Learning about soccer training for kids does not have to be a difficult task for parents. The first step in helping your players reach their potential is understanding where they are right now in their development journey.

If you want to learn about soccer skills development for seven-year-old soccer players up through ten years of age, or if you are interested in learning about soccer training for beginning soccer players up to eleven years old, your player is most likely in Stage I in their development.

Over the next five posts, we'll talk about the Stages of Development, what to expect at each stage, and how to help your soccer player jump to the next stage with the least difficulty and frustration for both player and parent.

Step 1: Understand what it takes. Players who spend quality time with the soccer ball on their own at home are more technical, earn more playing time, love the game more, and stay with the sport longer than those who only do the required soccer training with their club and school teams.

Step 2: Watch the videos in this post to see how younger kids train for soccer, and then see our next three posts, to see how players ages U8 to U19 master the soccer ball while training for soccer at home.

Step 3: Read to the end for one easy soccer tip on how parents can help young soccer players begin to learn soccer at home.

Watch These Videos of Stage I (u8-u11) Soccer Players Training at Home With Their Parents

See one early and one late Stage I player. Although both are very young soccer players, older players with little experience would start here as well.


And now here's One Easy Soccer Tip on how parents can help young soccer players begin to learn soccer at home.

Teach your soccer player how to lock their ankle when striking the ball or when making a pass to gain power and prevent injury. To do this, tighten the muscles around the ankle so the ankle is not floppy when striking or passing a soccer ball. The player will have more power and when making correct contact with the ball, the sound will be a solid thud. If the player has a floppy ankle, it will make more of a slapping sound when contacting the ball.

Want to learn more valuable tips to help your young soccer player learn soccer at home? Join our next round of 10-Week High-Performance soccer training courses in Dribbling Fundamentals happening soon. Learn More HERE.

Want to join an online soccer training course now? Join Raptor Lite dribbling training and start developing the soccer skills young players need today. Enroll HERE.

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